Vol. LVI – No. 11
This issue contains articles on pressure forcing the BC president to negotiate with protestors, the U.S. Justice Dept. intervening in a case between the college and a faculty member, and charges of discrimination in the firing of...
Vol. LXVI – No. 6
This issue contains articles on more discoveries of asbestos on campus and plans for a faculty protest against trustees.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn College Illumira, ...
Vol. LII – No. 6
This issue contains articles on a student occupation of government buildings in Albany to protest budget cuts, the re-appointment of a controversially fired professor, and the end of city funding for CUNY.
Preferred Citation: Tit...
Vol. XXXIX – No. 11
This issue contains articles on news of Professor Bell's resignation from his role as acting coordinator of BC's Afro-American Institute, the CUNY budget likely to face a fiscal cutback, and details of how 850,000 men were assi...
Vol. XLII – No. 4
This issue contains articles on the Student Organization For Every Disability United for Progress's call to students and the community for aid in getting improved transport options and ramps installed on campus, the Faculty Counc...
Vol. XXX – No. 7
This issue contains articles on Dr. Sitton of the Philosophy Department rescinding the oath of allegiance to the Federal and State Constitutions and the Executive Council's approval of DuBois Constitution.
Note: Duplicate of page...
Vol. XXXIII – No. 7
This issue contains articles on the Dean of Studies outlining plans for future BC construction, the FSCSO opening CLAS groups to graduate division, and the Executive Council voting for the Faculty-Student Committee to participa...
Vol. XXXVIII – No. 6
This issue contains articles on news that the Faculty Council was considering a transfer of power to Student Government, President Nixon's urging that colleges keep order against demonstrators, and the approval of the budget f...
Vol. XXXVIII – No. 12
This issue contains articles on the release of 17 arrested BC students, news from a Faculty Council meeting where they abolished the concept of a functional major, and the results of the Student Government election.
Vol. XXIII—No. 13.
CUNY’s administrative Council removes ban on communist speakers on city campuses with schools being able to decide for themselves, BC President Gideonse lifts ban for BC students, Board of Higher Education approves promotion...