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Showing results - 71 to 80 of 2700
Advent of Television

Advent of Television

Radio's dominance of the airwaves continues through the 1940s until the appearance of television. From the 1950s onward, television is on a

Television Comes of Age

Television Comes of Age

decision would bring television into its own.

Television: Vicarious Imagination

Television: Vicarious Imagination

Music videos demonstrate the power of vicarious imagination%u2014someone else creates the fantasies. MTV is the first all-commercial station in which the program is the commercial. Ironically, it also sells commercial time on a program that is all c...

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Young Director Award by CFP-E/Shots wins for "Drama Queen."

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

VB wins for "Cry."

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

T-Mobile wins for "Welcome Back."

Gold Winner: Television/Cinema

Gold Winner: Television/Cinema

Heineken wins for "The Entrance."

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Silver Winner: Television/Cinema

Dove wins for "Men Care."

Margaret Sanger Television Interview

Margaret Sanger Television Interview

In 1957, Sanger agrees to a television interview with Mike Wallace. Wallace badgers her with questions about her personal life instead of her

Women in Television

Women in Television

Oprah Winfrey earned less than half of what her male co-host made. In the 1980s, sitcoms began featuring working mothers and female bosses like "Murphy Brown."