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Showing results - 71 to 80 of 2755
 Labor Supply and Demand

Labor Supply and Demand

A labor demand curves shows a firm's hiring intentions for all possible wage rates. The labor supply curve functions as an "

Transportation and Labor

Transportation and Labor

Seattle and Tacoma were the Pacific Northwest's biggest seaports and home to the International Workers of the World, also known as the Wobblies.

The International Labor Defense

The International Labor Defense

Lawyers from the International Labor Defense, part of the communist party, went to Kirby Prison to secure control of the boys' defense and raise

Labor on Graduation day

Labor on Graduation day

Hannah's babies are born premature and one of the triplets died before birth. After several weeks in a neonatal unit, the babies will be able to go home.

Colombian Labor Massacre

Colombian Labor Massacre

The strike narrated in "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is a major chapter in the history of Colombian labor. Angry workers paralyze fruit

 Labor Problems in Colombia

Labor Problems in Colombia

Working conditions on the banana plantations intolerable for local labor, Colombians go on strike. Workers demand fulfillment of their demands, and

Child Labor: Global Scandal

Child Labor: Global Scandal

Despite the United Nation's convention against child labor signed by 155 nations, child labor in its worst forms continues to flourish. A young

Labor Supply Side

Labor Supply Side

The labor demand curve is influenced by wage rate and the prices of product and other inputs. Other influences such as job safety also influence

Inexpensive and Illegal Labor

Inexpensive and Illegal Labor

Hong Kong and Malaysia's Dr. Mahathir accentuate the gap between "the haves and the have nots" by importing immigrant labor to fuel

Labor Unions' Support

Labor Unions' Support

Moyers cites Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech to the AFL-CIO on the Economic Bill of Rights and asks what has happened to labor today. Branch