Using Webcampus to engage in a discussion and Help Desk
Transcript: read my textbook, you'll see that all these issues come up and it may or may not be clear to you, and you may want to request help from the Help Desk and
Transcript: , the BUN low, and hemoglobin and hematocrit low, I'm going to think of malnutrition. On page 1440 of your Taylor textbook on box 42 dash 6. It
Transcript: . What is the worst that can happen? Is that likely? Is that as bad as you imagine? And these are outlined, again, in your textbook. Positive reframing
Transcript: with your Taylor textbook-- the chapter starts on page 1337 of Taylor-- because it would be very easy for me to point out certain aspects of the textbook
Transcript: Hi. This is Linda Servidio, and I will be recording a media presentation on anger, hostility, and aggression. That is chapter 10 in your textbook
This is a welcome video for FDU's online graduate Social Media Strategy course. In particular, the instructor covers how to navigate the WebCampus page for the course.
Transcript: models, I have sets of meetings and media. The main component of these reading, the textbook chapters. So you are required to buy this textbook and then
Transcript: textbook let's first review what we mean by cases remember that the case a word is in tells us what that word is doing in the sentence the first case we
Transcript: of your textbook let's note some changes you may have noticed in this chapters reading and in previous readings we have already talked about how the
Transcript: gender of nouns and adjectives for more information refer to page 34 and 35 in your textbook first let's talk about infinitives used with impersonal verbs
Transcript: today we are going to be talking about direct objects and parts of a Latin sentence this video corresponds to page 20 and 21 in your textbook the