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Showing results - 71 to 80 of 2779
Incidence and Prevention of Hepatitis B

Incidence and Prevention of Hepatitis B

. The best defense against Hepatitis B is prevention.

Benefits and Costs of Rotavirus Prevention

Benefits and Costs of Rotavirus Prevention

Mexico's highly effective national immunization program provides free vaccinations to those in need. The government must decide whether the benefits of a new rotavirus vaccine outweigh the costs of adding it to the national program.

Preventing Cyberbullying: Parental Awareness and Controls

Preventing Cyberbullying: Parental Awareness and Controls

Children need to be taught early not to be cruel to others. Parents should closely monitor their children's Internet activities by keeping the computer in a shared area and watching out for signs of cyberbullying.

The family meal

The family meal

Obesity is second only to smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Ironically, in the midst of this epidemic, American
Subject: Obesity in children--Prevention

The Delicate Balance, Part 2: Prevention is Better than Remediation

The Delicate Balance, Part 2: Prevention is Better than Remediation

Politically, environmental protection is a hard sell. What makes the grass roots environmental movement different is prevention. How to prevent waste
Subject: prevention
Transcript: ... Is said to be a mile wide and an inch deep. The grass roots environmental movement Is unique and different. They are looking at: how do we prevent? How

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: The Screen Printing Industry

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: The Screen Printing Industry

Screen printing, the process that creates T-shirt art and signage, can produce waste streams that are harmful to water quality. In the past, many solvents used to clean and reclaim screens were simply washed down the drain. But by using ultra viol...
Subject: pollution prevention
Transcript: small businesses. the difference for the small enterprise... is the capital available to develop pollution prevention technologies. How can we actually

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Pulp and Paper Industry Regulations

Pollution Prevention: Bridging Troubled Water: Pulp and Paper Industry Regulations

The transformation of wood or other raw materials into pulp through chemical or mechanical processes is a water intensive process that creates large residues of waste materials. However, prior to the 1970's, the pulp and paper industry was largely u...
Subject: pollution prevention

Living with Cancer: Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, The

Living with Cancer: Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, The

The Breast Cancer Prevention Trial, the first of its kind in the United States, was designed to see whether the drug tamoxifen prevents breast cancer
Subject: Breast Cancer Prevention Trial
Transcript: [narrator:] the breast cancer prevention trial -- the first of its kind in the united states -- was designed to see whether the drug tamoxifen

Behind Closed Doors: Violence Prevention Programs at Work

Behind Closed Doors: Violence Prevention Programs at Work

This segment provides a close-up look at two violence prevention programs in Atlanta that teach children and incarcerated youth the skills they need
Subject: violence prevention
Transcript: [narrator:] stress control and anger management are important elements Min the violence prevention programs in atlanta. they give tomorrow's adults