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Kingsman, May 14, 1965

Vol. XXX – No. 12 This issue contains articles on details of the Country Fair, nominations made for the position of President of Executive Council, and amendments to New York State Education law requiring mandatory fire drills. Preferred Citatio...
Subject: Educational law and legislation--New York (State)

Kingsman, December 8, 1967

Vol. XXXV – No. 10 This issue contains articles on the starting of nominations for delegates of a campus-wide convention, the exploration of a Student Union concept discussed at an organizational meeting, and plans to increase enrollment of studen...
Subject: Delegated legislation

The Presidency

The Presidency

The President works with Congress to shape and pass new legislation.

The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States

Article I of the Constitution spelled out the role and responsibilities of the Legislative Branch.

National SB 1070 Laws

National SB 1070 Laws

Many states are considering or have passed similar legislation. Senator Pearce has introduced several controversial bills.

President Johnson Addresses a Nation

President Johnson Addresses a Nation

President Johnson calls on Congress to enact new voting rights legislation.

Copyright and the Library, Media Center and AV Department

Copyright and the Library, Media Center and AV Department

Public librarians, school librarians and media specialists are often in charge of acquiring, cataloging, and maintaining audio-visual material, such as DVDs, videos, digital files, audio-tapes, CDs, MP3 files, photographs, and software programs, and...
Subject: Audio-visual materials -- Law and legislation

Kingsman, May 6, 1966

the Executive Council, and legislation to abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee passed. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume
Subject: Student participation in administration--Law and legislation

Government by Committee: Forming Coalitions

Government by Committee: Forming Coalitions

Getting enough votes to pass legislation is challenging, particularly when the partisan margins in the two chambers are Members of Congress need to
Subject: passing legislation
Transcript: [narrator:] getting enough votes to pass legislation, particularly when the margins in the two chambers are so narrow, can be challenging. [king

Government by Committee: Decisions, Decisions!

Government by Committee: Decisions, Decisions!

In any given year an average of 2,000 bills will make it through the various committees to the House and Senate floors. Jim McDermott, Loretta Sanchez, and Mickey Edwards talk about the strategies they have employed to help them make intelligent dec...
Subject: legislative load