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Kingsman, February 21, 1969

Vol. XXXVIII – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the proposed budget cuts to CUNY budget by Governor Rockefeller, an address on the state of the college, and the rejection by the Student Government to be a part of the tenure advisory panel unl...

Kingsman, September 21, 1962

Vol. XXV—No. 2. Court rules in favor of Melvin Lesser, saying he can enroll at BC— the high school student who sued after being denied admission due to carrying a lower than acceptable grade point average, BC President Gideonse is elected chair...

Kingsman, February 21, 1963

Vol. XXVI—No. 3. Free tuition bill expected to come before the New York State Legislature in Albany on 3/11/62, BC Student Center to now issue Friday night admission tickets, Weavers to perform in Gershwin Auditorium for this year’s senior prom...

Kingsman, November 21, 1962

Vol. XXV—No. 10. BC admin officials take down some 70- names of students protesting the air raid shelter drill of 11/20/62, BC loses its College Bowl bout to Manhattanville College, BC Student Center protests an Office of Student Activities propo...

Kingsman, March 10, 1961

Vol. XXII—No 5. Student Union Building Organization seeks further funds as construction plans stagnate, Executive Council approves resolution sponsored by Interfraternity Council which reaffirms the right of any “CLAS student” to enroll in a...

Kingsman, October 4, 1963

Vol. XXVII—No. 3. The Executive Council presides over the procedural code changes as well as 4 newly elected student representatives to the Committee on Publications, club presidents and advisors meet with the Committee on Publications in order ...

Ken, Monday, February 4, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 1 This issue contains articles on the success of the new registration system, how to run for student government positions, and state budget funding for CUNY. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publica...

Kingsman, May 24, 1963

Vol. XXVI—No. 14. The role of Executive Council secretary and treasurer will be held by Elise Tom and Herbert Seltzer, respectively, as each were elected to their new prospective positions, Jeffrey Kleinberg is elected as the Student Administrati...

Kingsman, May 26, 1961

Vol. XXII—No. 14 World renowned anthropologist and University of Pennsylvania Provost, Dr. Loren C Eiseley, will serve as BC’s commencement speaker, Dr. Jonas E. Salk Scholarships award scholarships to 3 BC students, CUNY Doctoral program is de...