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Showing results - 71 to 80 of 3159
Culture and Physical Interaction

Culture and Physical Interaction

Learn cultural differences in personal distance and eye contact during conversation. View an example of how personal space can be misinterpreted

Understanding Culture and Subculture

Understanding Culture and Subculture

Learn culture and subculture definitions. Healthcare professionals are required to work with people from diverse beliefs and backgrounds; view

Expansion of Islamic Culture

Expansion of Islamic Culture

By 800 A.D., the expansion of Islam brings with it superior scientific knowledge and an advanced culture. Arab scholars discover the works of the

Phoenician Cultural Achievements

Phoenician Cultural Achievements

The Phoenicians, a Semitic people related to the Hebrew and Arabic peoples, were great ship builders and created the first alphabet, which helped trade throughout the Mediterranean.

Madonna: New Celebrity Culture

Madonna: New Celebrity Culture

By the 1980s, the line between the public and private celebrity disappeared. Madonna becomes the self-conscious mother of shock. She understands that scandal will make her career, not end it. Paris Hilton is about the celebration of self.

Education and Cultural Awareness

Education and Cultural Awareness

Students become disillusioned when schools do not address them in culturally appropriate ways. Critics charge American schools don't do enough

Death in American Culture

Death in American Culture

In many cultures around the world death is celebrated, and mourning and grieving take place openly, without shame. American culture often wants to

Islam: Culture of Innovation

Islam: Culture of Innovation

Archaeological evidence proves that Islamic culture had a much greater influence on early Spain than most history books acknowledge. Islam's

Living In Between Cultures

Living In Between Cultures

Writer Sherman Alexie describes the monoculture of his early life on the reservation, and calls himself an indigenous immigrant since leaving the reservation during high school.