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How Does Science Add to Knowledge?: How Science Really Worked in the 17th-19th Centuries

How Does Science Add to Knowledge?: How Science Really Worked in the 17th-19th Centuries

philosopher Immanuel Kant: through pure reason.
Subject: reason
Transcript: , how do they come up with them? one alternative was proposed by 18th-century philosopher immanuel kant... through pure reason. [ immanuel kant

Divergent Paths: Great Awakening, The

Divergent Paths: Great Awakening, The

As the 1700s begin, a new force-the spirit of enlightenment with its emphasis on science and reason- competes with the religious messages of George
Subject: science and reason
Transcript: [narrator:] as the new century begins, a new force-- the spirit of enlightenment, with its emphasis on science and reason-- competes with traditional

Does God Exist?: Cosmological Proof for God's Existence by St. Thomas Aquinas

Does God Exist?: Cosmological Proof for God's Existence by St. Thomas Aquinas

the universe. It attempts to prove that there must be either a sufficient reason, some prefer the term "universal explanation," or a first cause for the
Subject: sufficient reason
Transcript: , results from the study of the universe. it attempts to prove there must be either a sufficient reason, or first cause, for the existence of the cosmos

What is Philosophy?: Lure of Philosophy, The

What is Philosophy?: Lure of Philosophy, The

Five philosophers share their rationale for becoming philosophers. Their motivations range widely. One philosopher uses their profession to find answers regarding the existence of God while another simply wants to construct logical arguments in resp...
Subject: thinking and reasoning
Transcript: history... Where i had to learn a bunch of facts. In philosophy, it was all just arguing, thinking, reasoning, And i took to it sort of like a duck to water.

Niall Ferguson: Zionism

Niall Ferguson: Zionism

Non-Jewish Zionists' Questionable Reasoning

Revolution of a Different Sort: North and South Follow Different Economic Paths

Revolution of a Different Sort: North and South Follow Different Economic Paths

becomes industrial for several reasons: the even distribution of settlement, availability of water for power, and technical knowledge. The initial factories
Subject: reasons for industrial development in North
Transcript: industrialized, The south remained agricultural. That's how people understand The key economic difference Between these two regions. And the reasons go deep. One

Does God Exist?: Problem of Evil and God's Existence, The

Does God Exist?: Problem of Evil and God's Existence, The

share a thoughtful range of responses to this question, from it is "blasphemous to suppose that we can think of a morally-sufficient reason why God would
Subject: morally sufficient reason
Transcript: many people don't. Many people are destroyed by these experiences. Most reasons we can think of are such that They don't weigh in the balance-- The goods

The Fourth Estate: Need to Redefine Journalism in the 21st Century, The

The Fourth Estate: Need to Redefine Journalism in the 21st Century, The

In the fast-paced world of the news room, accuracy and speed are natural enemies. Story decisions are often based on fragments of information as former CNN Vice President Ed Turner explains. The best news organizations do place a premium on accuracy...
Subject: reasoned approach
Transcript: reasonable understanding Of what's at stake in public life and what our role is And what we can do to affect that public life If we choose to do it. [mccurry

Self in Historical Context (Part One), The

Self in Historical Context (Part One), The

Philosopher Charles Taylor talks about the ways in which the concept of "the self" has changed over time. He begins by talking about Plato and then moves through other major philosophers, including Augustine and Descartes, pointing out that there ha...
Subject: reason

The Fourth Estate: Conflictual Nature of Politics Linked to Press, The

The Fourth Estate: Conflictual Nature of Politics Linked to Press, The

strident and rancorous, a dynamic many blame on the media. Too often politicians argue from a conflictual perspective rather than finding a reasonable
Subject: reasonable approach overshadowed
Transcript: gravitates to those Who argue from that perspective, rather than those who say, "let's come and reason together and compromise and figure Out how to solve a