This compilation of ABC News segments reports on the complex, ongoing challenges facing families and organizations that shelter endangered children. The three segments are "Calling All Angels," which explores dangers and frustrations familiar to man...
What ultimately determines a person’s gender? Is it chromosomes, hormones, genitals, or an innate sense of self? In this Telly Award-winning program, five transgendered individuals between the ages of 20 and 50 speak openly about what it has meant...
The United States continues to be the wealthiest country in the world, yet one in eight Americans - approximately 37 million people - live below the poverty line. This program analytically and sympathetically discusses the effects and implications o...
Although demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media of every kind during the 20th century, most observers would agree that the media is much more sensitive to representations of race today. But the pernicious effects ...
Globalization is uniting the people of planet Earth as political and economic forces work to create a more centralized world. Internal affairs of sovereign nations are no longer off limits to the global community, and the principle of humanitarian i...
As life among the aristocracy in Damascus and Baghdad attained its zenith of refinement, another important cultural center was developing in Islamic Cordoba. This program focuses on the remarkable cultural contributions of Ziryab, a talented young m...
Today, while gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgenders are no longer forced to hide their sexual orientation, there is still prejudice and discrimination which can make coming out a difficult decision. And there are always internal pressures as we...
How much do American and Canadian citizens really understand about the personal, social, and economic struggles of undocumented workers? This program deepens that understanding, providing an intimate look inside the lives of two non-status migrant l...
Faced with increasing cuts in government aid, grassroots organizations in the industrialized world are learning valuable lessons from their counterparts in developing countries. Never having had government funding, third-world assistance programs ar...
Spotlight on Girls' all-girl TV crew investigates an "environmental approach" to obesity prevention whereby cities create safe green spaces and walking, jogging, cycling-friendly places to exercise and stay fit. Young women interview city residents...