Manipulate spaces to reduce crime by reducing reward, reducing opportunities, and increasing the risks of getting caught.
In 1978, a technician at University of Wisconsin Hospital contracted hepatitis B from a needlestick injury. The incident identified recapping attempts as a major hazard. Only 1 in 300 is infected with HIV-AIDS by needlesticks--yet the consequences a...
All medical facilities should follow CDC standard precautions and OSHA universal precautions. Avoid use of sharps if a safer alternative is available; get a hepatitis-B vaccination; and get training in blood borne pathogens.
Credits: Preventing Needlestick Injuries
Foodborne illness may be prevented through careful food purchases, careful cleaning, handling, and storage of foods, following food label
Panelists discuss possible venues of crime prevention including schools, families, and communities. Saturating at-risk communities with social
For the lungs to work properly, they must remain inflated to some degree. Negative pressure within the pleural cavity prevents the plastic lung
Primary prevention are those activities and habits that prevent type 2 diabetes. Secondary prevention can prevent the disease from progressing and
Achieving mental well-being is a goal that is constant throughout one's life. Prevention of mental illness requires building individual
eating disorders and other physical and emotional problems. Having the facts about nutrition and exercise can help prevent problems and assure a healthy
Subject: Cardiovascular system -- Diseases -- Prevention