Vol. 53 – No. 3
This issue contains articles on the appointment of a new VP-Provost, an orientation event for new students, and a student rally in support of Israel.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. ...
Vol. LXXII – No. 3
This issue contains articles on accusations of substance use by security guards on duty, the appointment of a new CUNY chancellor, and the convening of the new student assembly.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #,...
Vol. LXXIII – No. 9
This issue contains articles on a protest rally in Albany against tuition hikes and support for the protestors by the United Student Senate chairperson.
Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of public...
Vol. 56 – No. 1
This issue contains articles on the issuance of BC self-evaluation reports, new federal guidelines on student access to their records, and student government election results. Includes supplement on college governance proposal draf...
Volume 2, Number 4
This issue covers articles on a press conference with President Hess with press reporters, comments President Hess made against Governor Mario Cuomo, and the defeat of the SUBO (Student Center) budget proposal.
Preferred Citatio...
Vol. XXXIX – No. 14
This issue contains articles on President Kneller's negotiations for the purchase of a building to accommodate the increased enrollment, the certification of twenty-two students who were elected to the Student Assembly, and a d...
Vol. XLII – No. 12
This issue contains articles on news that due to recent budget cuts there is a possibility of a CUNY-wide closure for freshmen admission, Dr. Bowker's resignation from the CUNY Chancellor position, and details of candidates for ...
Vol. XXIX – No. 2
This issue contains articles on 'disadvantaged' students who have completed the first part of an admissions project through the taking of remedial classes, anticipated changes to the Executive Council to be more inclusive to BC s...
Vol. XXXI – No. 6
This issue contains articles on the main objective of 'improved communication' decided upon at the BC Leaders Conference, continued disputes over journals' publication, and the newly formed Committee on Faculty-Student Relations ...
Vol. XXXIII – No. 2
This issue contains articles on how 1965 BC graduates spoke out about their college experience, Porter Chandler's election to Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, and the BC 'Ken' and 'Kingsman' win All-American honors.