Listen to the story several times, comprehend it well, read it out loud and write a similar story about you and your family.
Contributor(s): Soueid, John
The Bethany Hour. The scripture lesson is from John 2:1-11. The Rev. William A. Jones Jr. discusses John's depiction of Jesus with emphasis on
Contributor(s): Jones, Jr., William A.
Program 5 of 8. Presented by Jeff Fahey, this chronologically arranged, comprehensive series covers key events leading up to and following the creation of the U.S. Constitution and examines how the American style of democracy evolved through the Uni...
Series: A History Of The United States Constitution
Subject: Marshall, John, 1755-1835
Transcript: core of American enterprise. In two cases, the U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall established that a contract was a contract was a
Program 1 of 8. Presented by Jeff Fahey, this chronologically arranged, comprehensive series covers key events leading up to and following the creation of the U.S. Constitution and examines how the American style of democracy evolved through the Uni...
Series: A History Of The United States Constitution
Subject: Zenger, John Peter, 1697-1746--Trials, litigation, etc.
Transcript: . Life for these settlers was a struggle. Many died from disease and starvation. In fact, Jamestown was on the brink of failure when, in 1614, John Rolfe
The majority of colonists who immigrate to the Chesapeake in the 17th century pay for their passage by working as indentured servants for a specified
Subject: John Freethorn
Transcript: , most of them lost. They didn't live long enough to become free. [kupperman:] there's a letter by a man named john freethorn Who was sent by his parents
On the land of the Algonquins, 150 English settlers had built a trading post called James Town. And though Captain John Smith promised the Indians
Subject: Rolfe, John, 1585-1622
Transcript: had defied her father and risked her life for the white man. Then, suddenly, a new disaster struck Jamestown. John Smith was badly wounded in an
John Dowland had a reputation for writing sad songs. "Sleep Wayward Thoughts," however, is about a passionate lover. A performance of the
Featuring pediatric specialist J. Pomeroy, this program traces scientific and behavioral studies regarding autism. It includes commentary from parents, grandparents, and an expert in behavior modification. The DVD introduces the disorder, considers ...
Contributor(s): Pomeroy, John
Amendment violations from Democrats and liberals. But President Bush has had to force these initiatives through a highly resistant Congress. So is talk of the
Contributor(s): McCarthy, John
Transcript: . In Israel, I saw the destruction that results when people claim a God given legitimacy for any political act, whatever the consequences. When
Philosopher Ian Hacking talks about John Locke's idea that the self--or the person one is--depends on what one remembers. Professor Hacking looks at
Subject: Locke, John