in a society marked by brute violence, numbing indifference, trivialization, and shallowness.
Social structure is the framework of society that dictates to us appropriate behaviors and attitudes depending on our particular status (or position
Emile Durkheim argued that societies rely on its collective conscious in terms of the various functions which contribute to the operation of their
One advantage the development of human language gave to our ancestors was the ability to organize. Experts discuss the influence of language on creating social order, gaining political and economic advantages, and spreading religion.
Is America following European tradition in becoming a class-ridden society? American society is "saturated" in Christian moralizing, yet
A neurobiologist who has spent the last thirty years studying stress in baboons admits he is not good at dealing with his own stress. He compares life on the plains of Africa with life in the US.
-slavery society. Anthony faces mob violence for her abolitionist views.
In the Middle Ages, as the old social structures were crushed, a new organizational framework was formed out of human reason seeking to create an order out of mindless, meaningless terror.
society of rights breeds self-absorption.
Sociologists explain that while the civil rights era ended inequality of opportunity, it did nothing to address the underlying economic and social inequalities that had already been in place.