Over the long haul of a career, resilience often proves to be a key to survival. Beyond that, an important strategy for the employee is to be aware of hidden barriers that might prevent career advancement.
Finding good candidates to fill a vacant position is only the first step in developing a committed and productive employee. Staff development is actually an ongoing process that begins the first day a new employee walks in the door. Unfortunately, m...
In searching for a pool of qualified applicants from which to fill a position, companies use a number of different sources, from employment agencies to educational and local community organizations, to their own employee base.
Many people settle on a career and choose their first job purely on the basis of money. Later, they may change jobs or careers in a quest for greater fulfillment. In some cases, this fulfillment can result when a balance between work and personal li...
Although material rewards can motivate people, such rewards don't usually represent the strongest motivational force. Many companies have redesigned jobs to challenge their employees. A number of companies have also tapped new sources of employee mo...
Some believe that managers need to be provided with a corporate code of ethics that might serve as a kind of road map in the face of difficult choices. But it would still be incumbent upon the manager to find out the facts in a given situation and t...
In any organization, the style of supervision can have a tremendous impact on morale. An autocratic, punitive management style tends to cause many employees to simply do what they're told, often with great resentment. A more participative management...
The first step for a prospective employee to take in assessing whether he or she is a good fit for an organization is understanding his or her own values. It's critical to choose a line of work and to find a company whose values are consistent with ...
The values an organization stands for can exert a strong influence on morale. Unfortunately, many companies profess to value one type of behavior, but actually reward behavior that is very different and represents very different values.
In addition to its pari-mutuel betting system and satellite wagering network, Santa Anita operates several dining facilities and shops, as well as an equine hospital and a large number of barns and stables. Each of these operations requires financia...