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Showing results - 71 to 80 of 85
How Old Is The Mind? (Part 1)

How Old Is The Mind? (Part 1)

Philosopher Hilary Putnam talks about the concept of the mind, and how it's changed since the time of the early Greeks. He notes that Descartes was the first to say intellect, soul and mind are one and the same thing.
Subject: religion
Transcript: With religion, in fact, the high medievals tended more and more To the aristotelian view than to the platonic view. The intellect was not identified with

Philosophical Theology

Philosophical Theology

Philosopher Stephen Toulmin discusses the philosophical theology views of Thomas Aquinas, Gottfried Leibniz, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Professor Toulmin relates an amusing comment from Wittgenstein, who once said when someone asked him if he believed...
Subject: religion



Philosopher Stephen Toulmin talks about rationalism, concluding that there have always been two driving forces behind it. On one hand, Professor Toulmin says, it comes from the desire to make theories as elegant as possible, which leads people to ma...
Subject: religion

Does God Exist?: Belief in God...a Panacea or Moral Obligation

Does God Exist?: Belief in God...a Panacea or Moral Obligation

Many turn to religion seeking answers and reassurance, feeding into the criticism that belief in a deity is nothing more than a human concoction that
Subject: religion
Transcript: [ narrator ] many turn to religion seeking the answers, the reassurance, so that they may flourish. some critics believe the idea of a deity is

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Minority Families Finding Strength

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Minority Families Finding Strength

While there are some social and cultural forces that work against minority families in the United States, many of these same families often find strength in other aspects of American culture.
Subject: religion
Transcript: strength Min other aspects of american culture. Ma strong emphasis on religion, for example, has allowed many Min the hispanic community to escape the

Racializing of Immigrants, The

Racializing of Immigrants, The

Professor of American studies and history Matthew Frye Jacobson talks about the racial labels applied to immigrants in the mid to late nineteenth century. Professor Jacobson explains that Irish immigrants, along with Eastern European Jews, Italians ...
Subject: religion
Transcript: 70's, you'll see the phrase "the catholic race," and where religion and race are fused. But increasingly from the mid-nineteenth century To the

Meaning of Life, The

Meaning of Life, The

Philosopher Martha Nussbaum is critical of those who contend that life only has meaning if there's some external source of value. Professor Nussbaum favors an approach that focuses on what she calls "everyday questions, like how should one live, wha...
Subject: religion