Transcript: Welcome back to the Madison Research Essentials Toolkit. In this tutorial we will be addressing the first part of this information literacy learning
Transcript: Welcome back to the Madison Research Essentials Toolkit. In this tutorial, we�ll continue to work on this General Education Information Literacy
Transcript: information, and it is considered cheating.  For a review, please view the accompanying tutorial on plagiarism to learn more.  Ethical use of information is
Transcript: tutorial and a related test that is designed so that you might demonstrate that you have developed these information literacy skills. It is important that
Transcript: Welcome. In this brief tutorial, we'll go over the basics of searching the Macomb College Library Catalog. From the main library web page
Transcript: Welcome back once again to the Madison Research Essentials Toolkit. In this tutorial we�ll continue to work on this information literacy learning
Transcript: Welcome to the video tutorial on how to register for courses using Student Planning. Welcome to the video tutorial on how to register for courses
Transcript: video tutorial on preparing a PowerPoint presentation for recordings
your students in learning. A range of applications will be covered including: - creating demos/tutorials - e-portfolios - concept mapping
Transcript: Welcome to the Brookdale Community College Student Planning and Registration video tutorial series. These tutorials will introduce you to using the