The Turks under Suleiman the Magnificent were a continuing challenge for Charles V. A great victory attributed to Charles V was the liberation of
Spain's superior numbers prevent a speedy rebel victory. Spain "reconcentrates" the peasants into the cities. Rebel leaders Maceo and
to enjoy the feast. Let us share the tales of victories."
Egyptian victories in the 1973 war led Israel to hint at nuclear response. The Soviets plan to send troops in support of Egypt led to Cold War "
The ANC's strategy is to make South Africa ungovernable. Confident of final victory, Mandela refuses to submit to the government's demand
Guilt for not having died in the war drives Erich Remarque to live out a fantasy of victory. He becomes a successful reporter, turns to writing
terrorism against terror, however, no victory is had.
Europe is close to recognizing Confederacy. The Union is desperate for a victory. McClellan discovers Robert E. Lee's battle plans but does
's victory at the Battle of Antietam.
During WWII, the voice of Britain resounded with authority and defiance. The voice of Edward R. Murrow after the victory in Europe in 1945