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Showing results - 81 to 90 of 29548
The Ocean's Memory: Obtaining and Analyzing Sediment Samples

The Ocean's Memory: Obtaining and Analyzing Sediment Samples

Despite its temporary nature, sediment remains uniquely valuable. As a result, oceanographers have worked hard to refine the process of obtaining and
Series: Introduction To Earth Sciences
Subject: Deep Sea Drilling Project
Transcript: of the deep sea drilling project needed to do the same thing. and eventually, that project gave way to something even more advanced: the ocean

To Catch a Trader

To Catch a Trader

's firm, SAC Capital, simply smarter than the other players on Wall Street? Or, as the U.S. Justice Department began to suspect, was there another
Transcript: bargained for? It sure was. Sure was. Beginning in late 2007, the FBI obtained authorization to tap the phones of Galleon traders, including Raj Rajaratnam

Interconnection Bandwidth Growth Projected to Outpace Public Internet by 2020

Interconnection Bandwidth Growth Projected to Outpace Public Internet by 2020

This session shares the results of the Global Interconnection Index, run by Equinix, the first study of its kind to take a detailed look at

To_Thai_Project1_Fall_2022_ARTD2821 (Student Upload)

To_Thai_Project1_Fall_2022_ARTD2821 (Student Upload)

Project 1 Still life Maya modeling

Dread group projects? Canvas Groups to the rescue!

Dread group projects? Canvas Groups to the rescue!

Group projects seem to have a bad rap among students and instructors alike for any number of reasons. At TCNJ, we use Instructure Canvas as our

Persuasive Project Narrative

Persuasive Project Narrative

Learn tips for developing the project narrative for a crowdfunding or grant proposal.

Three Gorges Dam Project

Three Gorges Dam Project

Citizens of Fengjie, China, paid a high price for the Three Gorges Dam Project. In 2002, a massive resettlement operation forced relocation of

Human Genome Project

Human Genome Project

Scientists decipher the code within the double helix. Each human cell has 3.4 billion letters of DNA code. This code, when noted on paper, takes up 120 book volumes.

Criminal Profiling Research Project

Criminal Profiling Research Project

Robert Ressler, FBI profiler, recalls his research into the motivation, fantasies, and development of U.S. serial murders and sex criminals. He shares his personal interviews with the incarcerated.