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Showing results - 81 to 90 of 8800
Afghanistan: Education and Religion

Afghanistan: Education and Religion

Religion plays an important role in Shugufa's education. Her school has no electricity or running water but has desks and books. Her success in

Religion in Life

Religion in Life

To a Zen Buddhist monk, religion is an oasis in life. As a religious person tries to change him or herself, that commitment helps to change other

 One God, Many Religions

One God, Many Religions

Islam, Judaism, and Christianity have a great deal of overlap. God can be understood in a number of different ways; he or she bears many forms.

Religion and Beauty

Religion and Beauty

Human beings are hard-wired to enjoy patterns, symmetry, and visual complexity. How does spirituality fit with the beauty of art?

The Plausibility of Religion

The Plausibility of Religion

, Smith refers to the world's enduring religions to assert the plausibility of religious truth.

Religion: Prayer and Meditation

Religion: Prayer and Meditation

A Trappist monk discusses the relationship one establishes to the "mystery" through meditation. Jewish prayers are recognition of the relationship to the totality. Muslims connect with their Creator through prayer.

Understanding Other Religions

Understanding Other Religions

Huston Smith believes that listening to others helps us understand our religion as well as theirs. His book, "The World's Religions

Need for All Religions

Need for All Religions

Smith shares why he remains a Methodist despite all his research and his practice of yoga. He believes the same truths are in the different traditions to fulfill the capacity of the human race.

Ethnic vs. World Religions

Ethnic vs. World Religions

Smith believes Judaism's truths reached beyond this ethnic religion and thus Christianity began. Likewise, the truths of the ethnic Hindu