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Kingsman, March 24, 1988

Vol. LXVI – No. 9 This issue contains articles on the closure of campus asbestos tunnels and possible legal action by the Haitian Club against the baseball team. Note: The date is incorrect on the front page and in the filename. Preferred Citati...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, September 25, 1989

Vol. LXX – No. 3 This issue contains articles on an investigation of the asbestos abatement project, the first student government assembly of the year, and a planned student government petition drive. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volum...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, September 30, 1977

Vol. LV – No. 2 This issue contains articles on what the BCA is and does, how the college lab fee policy works, and a possible overhaul of the student government constitution. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of pub...
Subject: College Facilities

Ken, Monday, December 16, 1974

Vol. 55 – No. 6 This issue contains articles on campus parking woes, student government election slates and platforms, and a reception for Honor's List students. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Broo...
Subject: College Facilities

Excelsior, February 26, 1990

Volume 4, Number 5 This issue covers articles on activities conducted by BC students to commemorate Malcolm X, a fire that erupted on train tracks that run parallel to BC, and a self-defense seminar held for BC students. Preferred Citation: Title ...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, October 14, 1977

Vol. LV – No. 4 This issue contains articles on a drop in student enrollment, what the University Student Senate (USS) is and does, and a known campus fire hazard. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Br...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, March 10, 1978

Vol. LVI – No. 4 This issue contains articles on repeated break-ins to the Political Science office, controversies over campus room allocations, and an approval to shift funds to pay for adjunct instructors. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, November 3, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 7 BC President Gideonse defends Administrative Council’s decision before the Executive Council, to ban Communist Party Members from speaking at city colleges, Student Union Building is finally coming into form, BC Blood Drive flo...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, March 4, 1977

Vol. LIV – No. 3 This issue contains articles on a proposed restructuring plan for New York's public colleges, much-needed campus repairs, and the benefits of a school activities fee. Note: This scan is missing the front page. Preferred Citatio...
Subject: College Facilities

Kingsman, December 15, 1961

Vol. XXIII—No. 12. BC football will return in the spring following a 6 hiatus, BC students to pay a fee each semester if Board of Higher Education approves recommendation by President Gideonse, the Student Union Building Organization Committee�...
Subject: College Facilities