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Showing results - 81 to 90 of 6512
Responsibility of Federal Government

Responsibility of Federal Government

U.S. Attorny General Eric Holder talks immigration enforcement. Senator Pearce says Arizona is being sued for enforcing laws.

 Free Trade: Government Response

Free Trade: Government Response

; initiate retraining programs and use a negative income tax; adjust levels of government spending and taxation; and manage the money supply.

Napoleon Recreates Government

Napoleon Recreates Government

A practical man, Napoleon recreates government. He creates a hierarchy designed to control the citizens. France becomes a school-based system of

Torture as Government Policy

Torture as Government Policy

Bill Moyers asks, "Who should be held responsible for trashing the rule of law in the name of national security?" John Ashcroft argues that Congress is not the body to provide strict guidelines on torture. The Bush administration violates ...

 Lebanese Government Encourages Rioting

Lebanese Government Encourages Rioting

The Lebanese government orchestrates anti-Danish protesters. They burn the Danish Embassy. Surveillance cameras capture much on tape. An insult to

Misleading the Government

Misleading the Government

but misleads the government.

Finnish Government & Innovation

Finnish Government & Innovation

The Finnish government's innovative global business centers match Finnish companies with other companies. Finland develops FogScreen, a device

Vikings Influence Representative Government

Vikings Influence Representative Government

of free speech influenced England's Magna Carta and development of representative government.

Farming the Government

Farming the Government

The federal government pays farmers 28 million dollars a year in subsidies if they use pesticides and fertilizers. These chemicals travel into the