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Ken, Monday, March 18, 1974

Vol. 54 – No. 4 This issue contains articles on the first meeting of a new Faculty-Student Relations Committee, information regarding college summer session, and the Second Brooklyn College Women's Festival. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper...

Kingsman, February 24, 1961

Vol. XXII—No. 3 Public colleges will receive 3 of the 5.6 billion in Federal aid proposed by President Kennedy if bill passes Congress, Professor John Hope Franklin is grateful for his appearance on ABC’s “Meet the Professor” and acknowledg...

Kingsman, March 25, 1977

Vol. LIV – No. 6 This issue contains articles on accusations of excessive spending on home furnishings by the BC president, potential disciplinary action for a faculty member for political activities, and the BC president's thoughts after seven ye...

Kingsman, December 15, 1978

Vol. LVII – No. 11 This issue contains articles on student government election results, accusations of political vandalism on campus, and faculty silence on the BC president's resignation. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #...

Kingsman, October 23, 1989

Vol. LXX – No. 7 This issue contains articles on a visit by Justice Antonin Scalia, student and faculty protests against Scalia's visit, and delays to campus heating system restoration. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, d...

Kingsman, October 11, 1968

Vol. XXXVII – No. 5 This issue contains articles on the Faculty-Student Committee on Student Organization's request that Student Government needs to prepare a constitution for ratification by the student body, news and information from a BC profes...

Kingsman, February 7, 1986

Vol. LXXII – No. 2 This issue contains articles on the opening of a computer center and an experimental high school on campus, the campus mourning the Challenger Shuttle astronauts, and a history faculty member receiving a CUNY honor. Preferred ...

Kingsman, May 8, 1987

Vol. LXIV – No. 13 This issue contains articles on a dispute over NYPIRG funding and the controversial decision to award Bishop Mugavero an honorary degree. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publication. Brooklyn...

Kingsman, October 22, 1990

Vol. LXXII – No. 7 This issue contains articles on the impending retirement of a college dean, protest against US plans to attack Iraq, and criticism of campus security. Preferred Citation: Title of Newspaper. volume #, issue #, date of publicati...

Kingsman, May 11, 1979

Vol. LVIII – No. 12 This issue contains articles on the favorite candidate to take the BC presidency, faculty opposition to a proposed effort to move elementary school students into campus classrooms, and the Board of Higher Education chancellor c...