This clip summarizes the key points in Part 1 of Dividing Whole Numbers, including the introduction of the terms dividend, divisor and quotient. It then explains that division was introduced in two different ways: as a shortcut for repeated subtract...
This clip explains when remainders are used, noting that they are unnecessary once fractions are learned.
This clip provides practical problems that are solved by converting between metric and U.S. units. The problems include figuring out a hospital's requirements for antiseptic solution, the capacity of an automobile's gas tank, the amount of cough syr...
This clip includes several practical problems which are solved in part through the use of unit equivalences and the unit cancellation method taught in an earlier lesson.
This clip explains that fluid units are not the only means by which to measure the volume inside a container. "We can also measure volume with cubic units," the clip states. "Both volumes measure the same amount of space; these are just different wa...
This clip explains that changing fractions to decimals is quite different from changing decimals to fractions. It takes us through the process of dividing the numerator by the denominator and asks the question: "How accurate do we want the answer? D...
This clip begins by reminding the student that it's important to be able to change back and forth between decimals and fractions. It then talks about how we change from decimals to fractions, reminding the student that, "
all we do is rewrite (the ...
This clip provides a problem in which the student is asked to change a fraction to its decimal form. The clip also notes that, "
it's a good idea to learn the decimal equivalents of the fractions we work with most often: one-half, one-third, and so...
This clip explains that if a decimal has 1 digit to the right of the decimal point, "
we can think of it as a fraction with the denominator of 10
.If a decimal has 2 digits to the right of the decimal point, we can think of it as a fraction with t...
This clip explains that the easiest way to understand percent is to think of it as a proportion. The clip notes that this allows us to change fractions to decimals, and provides examples of how this is done. The clip then reverses the process and ex...