Government maintained a hands-off policy toward business and the economy for much of its early history. But in the early part of the 20th century it became more involved, breaking up trusts and establishing the Federal Reserve as the central bank fo...
Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry talks about early lessons in (" to deal with to deal with lawyers...when crisis erupts in our political system") that would help him in later years when he went to the White House ...
Former Secretary of Labor and university professor Robert Reich reflects on his service as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration. "It was the best job I ever had, it's the best job I ever will have. It was harrowing, it was scary...But it...
Director of the National Economic Council and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence Summers talks about the importance of forging consensus and finding common ground as the key to getting things done politically.
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about how the voting process could be improved at polling places. "We should get rid of punch card ballots. Go optical scan ballots or even manually marked ballots, which are more accurate," Secretary B...
Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about campaign finance reform. Secretary Baker advocates raising the amount one can contribute to a federal race, because doing so would lessen the influence of "soft money" on political campaigns. He a...
Talking about the arduous road to the White House, former Secretary of State James A. Baker suggests a system of regional primaries, " that the states don't keep jockeying to be the first...extending the process, making it ever and ever longer."
Presidential advisor, political analyst and university professor David Gergen talks about what makes some presidents great leaders. One of the most important factors is the ability to inspire trust through consistent, steady adherence to core values...
Presidential advisor, political analyst and university professor David Gergen talks about the disillusionment he experienced as a loyal Nixon supporter after learning the details of the Watergate cover-up.
Transcript: desire to believe him. As a result of that, the cover up for watergate, which was, Watergate was the worst series of abuses of Governmental power we
Former White House press secretary Mike McCurry talks about the congressional response to Watergate in the 1970's and to President Clinton's sex scandal twenty-five years later. Mr. McCurry says his memory of Watergate is not the "misbehavior" of Ri...