Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, observes that, while love alone won't cure cancer or AIDS, it does make a difference in helping patients wage a more effective battle against either disease, pe...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dr. Alexandra Levine, Chief of the Division of Hematology at the USC School of Medicine, talks about carrying the fight against HIV/AIDS into the future. Dr. Levine observes that, in the years ahead, there will be drugs developed that will be able t...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dean Hamer, Director of the Gene Structure and Regulation Unit at the National Cancer Institute, talks about efforts to determine, "...whether or not there is a genetic basis for why some people find it easy to stop smoking, and other people find it...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Transcript: the health hazards, advertising and so on. But there are still a quarter of the population who are just Not able to stop smoking. Most of these people
Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about what she calls, "...the variety of forces (that) create the fertile ground..." on which individuals act out violently against others. Amon...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, talks about prenatal tests that can be done to test for signs of mental retardation in the fetus. "Down's Syndrome is certainly one that we're very aware of and that we know how to test...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Zoologist and World Wildlife Fund senior scientist Theo Colborn discusses her work investigating the neurological deficits experienced by children whose mothers ate fish from the Great Lakes.
Subject: health
Transcript: , let's explore this more. And through their support and their encouragement we then Began to broaden into the human health aspects Of what were going on
Dr. Ed McCabe, Chief of the Mattel Children's Hospital at UCLA, talks about the challenges faced by a Colorado family in which two children were afflicted by a serious genetic disorder.
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about efforts underway globally to stem the tide of domestic violence, particularly when children are the targets.
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about abused women who come into her practice. Dr. Heger explains that many of them come not so much to protect themselves, but to protect their...
Series: Health Care
Subject: health
Dr. Astrid Heger, Director of the Violence Intervention Program at L.A. County-USC Medical Center, talks about a project aimed at dealing with elder abuse and abuse of the dependent adult, including disabled or mentally retarded individuals.
Series: Health Care
Subject: health