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Showing results - 81 to 85 of 85
Dating: Finding a Potential Partner

Dating: Finding a Potential Partner

factors as religion, culture, or propinquity. Humans have a tendency to gravitate to those who are attractive and similar in cultural class, family
Subject: religion
Transcript: away from them because of the restrictions Of their belief in a particular religion or faith. For instance, i will not date outside of my religion. So

Language and Religion

Language and Religion

Philosopher John Searle talks about what he calls "the language game," and how it's used today with regard to religion and God. Professor Searle says
Subject: religion
Transcript: 't actually have to stand for anything. Now i really do think that's bad faith Because of course religion is only interesting, It's only important to us If you

Family History: Immigrant Experience in America

Family History: Immigrant Experience in America

As the young, newly formed United States of America began to experience growth spurts, the steady influx of immigrants likewise accelerated. The experiences of U.S. immigrants have been varied, often along racial and ethnic lines. The role of the ...
Subject: religion
Transcript: and doing other agricultural tasks in order To help the family economy. [narrator:] along with religion, the latino emphasis Mon family has consistently

What is the Meaning of Life?: What is the Meaning of Life?

What is the Meaning of Life?: What is the Meaning of Life?

Is there a Divine Plan that can give purpose and meaning to our lives? Hegel and Mark argued that meaning for individual lives comes from contributing to the progress of history, the arena in which humans come to the full realization of reason and f...
Subject: religion
Transcript: question of how we're going to live. [ narrator ] many people look to religion to provide meaning for their lives. can we find meaning by following the

Family History: Family in Colonial America

Family History: Family in Colonial America

, the colonial era family took on many roles generally played today by public agencies. There was also a greater emphasis on religion in most American
Subject: religion
Transcript: :] another important difference between families then and now was the overriding significance of religion Min nearly all puritan households. And one thing that