At the heart of the Middle East conflict stands the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Holy ground for Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, this 35-acre plot is the world’s most contested piece of land. Filmed on location, this timely program presents a wide...
This title features a special commentary by Bill Jersey and Sam Keen. As relevant today as when it was first released, Faces of the Enemy follows social psychologist Sam Keen as he unmasks how individuals and nations dehumanize their enemies to just...
As relevant today as when it was first released, Faces of the Enemy follows social psychologist Sam Keen as he unmasks how individuals and nations dehumanize their enemies to justify the inhumanity of war.
Using archival news footage, public servi...
This Academy award-nominated documentary about the Argentinian mothers’ movement to demand to know the fate of 30,000 “disappeared” sons and daughters remains as extraordinarily powerful as when it was first released. As well as giving an unde...