In this compelling program, world-renowned author Toni Morrison candidly answers questions regarding how she became a writer, the pain of empathizing with her characters, the sensual nature of her novels, and how it felt to win the Nobel Prize. In a...
Across Asia, the notion of "face" - a propriety of appearances - is being replaced by Western frankness, while traditional caste systems are yielding to wealth as the determinant of status. This program profiles three executives who typify the chang...
While parent-child bonding is obviously crucial early on, the ability to interact with peers is perhaps the greatest skill a young person can learn in the years following kindergarten. This program delves into the complex, rapidly evolving social li...
Easygoing at age seven doesn’t always translate into easygoing at 27—in the course of two decades, a laid-back kid may change into an aggressive or attention-starved adult. But temperament does offer a window into the development of coping skill...
How to deal with the different countries and complexities of Asia? Those without the language and a knowledge of customs and trade regulations are the outsiders, those with these tools are the insiders. This program presents three businessmen who br...
Rising above the myths and misinformation surrounding Islam, one fact is clear: the Muslim religion is growing as never before. This program surveys the sociopolitical landscape of Islamic hotspots in the Middle East, Pakistan, Indonesia, Sudan, and...
The story of a child’s development is written most poignantly in his or her ability to bounce back after pain and trauma. From outward, observable behavior to the mysterious inner world of epigenetics, this program examines the coping mechanisms o...
Mars and Earth are brother and sister - or they were 4 billion years ago. They started life as equals, with similar atmospheres, planetary features and climates. On Earth life has flourished, but what happened to Mars? There are many people seeking ...
Filmed over a three-year period, this program follows the journeys of three families living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. As they struggle with constant challenges, each caregiver describes for the camera what it is like to provide aid and comfort...
Why did Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier and his team of researchers purposely engineer a lethal, airborne bird flu virus? That’s the first of many questions raised in this timely, eye-opening investigation. Why did Fouchier, in an uncanny parallel w...