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Remembering Ronald Reagan

Remembering Ronald Reagan

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker looks back on his eight years working in the Reagan White House. Secretary Baker explains that one of President Reagan's greatest strengths was his ability to make those around him feel good about themselves.

Setting Priorities

Setting Priorities

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker notes that the Secretary of the Treasury has more latitude in determining what to concentrate on than does the Secretary of State. "You're a little bit more hostage to what happens in the world as Secretary o...

Relationship Between the United States and China, The

Relationship Between the United States and China, The

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker explains that, in regards to China, "...We need to engage and, in effect, cooperate where our interests are congruent but, where they diverge, we need to confront."

Reagan Triumvirate, The

Reagan Triumvirate, The

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about the way he, Ed Meese and Mike Deaver split up responsibilities as President Reagan's three most influential staff members during the first term of the Reagan presidency.

How Presidential Campaigns Have Changed

How Presidential Campaigns Have Changed

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about the ways presidential campaigns have changed since he was the campaign manager of the Gerald Ford presidential campaign in 1976. "Political candidates have any number of ways to appeal to the vote...

Presidency and the State Department, The

Presidency and the State Department, The

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker recalls how he made a conscious decision during his tenure as Secretary of State to be the President's man at the State Department, rather than the State Department's man at the White House.

Politics and Negotiation

Politics and Negotiation

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker explains that being Secretary of State is a political job. "It's international politics," Secretary Baker states. "A lot of (the) job is understanding what the fellow across the table can and can't do...what ...

Right Turn: Ford Custodianship, The

Right Turn: Ford Custodianship, The

As Gerald Ford is thrust into the presidency, America is a troubled nation, numbed by the Watergate scandal, the fall of Vietnam, and the nation's economic difficulties. Ford's increasing skill in foreign affairs results in his distancing himself fr...

Right Turn: Bush Presidency, The

Right Turn: Bush Presidency, The

George Bush easily defeats Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election. During Bush's term of office the Berlin Wall is torn down, the Soviet Union breaks up and signs the Charter of Paris, and the U. S. becomes the world's only real superpowe...

National Conventions and Presidential Elections

National Conventions and Presidential Elections

Former Secretary of State James A. Baker talks about some of the changes that have occurred since he served as the campaign manager of the Ford campaign in 1976. He points out that the Reagan challenge to Gerald Ford that year was the last closely c...