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Risky Business: Impact of HIV, The

Risky Business: Impact of HIV, The

Life changed when the dangers of HIV were introduced to our society. No longer could a casual sexual encounter be categorized as "no big deal." Because the virus remains latent for so long, people can transmit the infection through blood or sexual a...

Risky Business: Worldwide Effort to Educate People about Their Contraceptive Options

Risky Business: Worldwide Effort to Educate People about Their Contraceptive Options

In many parts of the world, educating women about their contraceptive options is part of an ongoing effort to improve women's health and to control overpopulation. Social and cultural barriers against such educational programs are difficult to overc...

Behind Closed Doors: Individual Efforts to Stop Violence

Behind Closed Doors: Individual Efforts to Stop Violence

The fact that violence was recognized as a public health problem in the early 1970s allows researchers to probe factors that contribute to violence and do something about it. Jenny Trotter, a counselor and child advocate in Atlanta, Georgia, initiat...

Behind Closed Doors: Epidemic of Violence

Behind Closed Doors: Epidemic of Violence

One in three women in the United States experiences violence at the hand of an intimate partner sometime during their lifetime. It is the single largest cause of trauma to women between the ages of 15 and 44. Victims, doctors, and psychologists set ...

Risky Business: STDs: Epidemic Proportions

Risky Business: STDs: Epidemic Proportions

Many sexually transmitted diseases have taken a backseat to headlines about HIV, but they still take their toll. The rate of infection is increasing worldwide, incorporating diseases that have been around for years as well as other deadly organisms....

Web of Addiction: Victims of Drug Addiction, The

Web of Addiction: Victims of Drug Addiction, The

The use of illicit drugs is increasing in many parts of the world along with the social and health problems related to it. Drug use is as familiar to suburbia and the corridors of big business as it is on the streets. Addictive behaviors tend to be ...

The Modern Plague: Worldwide Efforts to Stem the Spread of HIV

The Modern Plague: Worldwide Efforts to Stem the Spread of HIV

HIV and AIDs are decimating populations in Africa, parts of Southeast Asia, and the Indian subcontinent, affecting whole generations of families In resource-poor areas of the world and major population areas, public health officials struggle to ste...

Germ Warfare: Monitoring Health in the United States and Beyond

Germ Warfare: Monitoring Health in the United States and Beyond

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the agency responsible for monitoring the health status of the American people. In 1946, when troops were returning home from Europe and the Pacific after World War II, there were public health conce...

Germ Warfare: Centers for Disease Control Diversify, The

Germ Warfare: Centers for Disease Control Diversify, The

With the eradication of most infectious diseases, the CDC began to expand into chronic diseases, then injury control and prevention as the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health was incorporated into the organization. In the last few ...

Germ Warfare: Resistance to Antibiotics: A Major Emerging Problem

Germ Warfare: Resistance to Antibiotics: A Major Emerging Problem

Resistance to antibiotics, one of our major medical tools, is occurring both in hospitals and communities. It is critical that people only request or accept antibiotics from their health care provider when it's absolutely necessary, and when they do...