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Parents and Children.: Parenting and Social Class

Parents and Children.: Parenting and Social Class

A family's social class is one of the factors that shapes the relationship between parents and children. In addition, there is frequently a link between social class and the kind of values and behaviors parents teach their children.

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Racial Stereotypes and Discrimination

Race, Ethnicity and Family: Racial Stereotypes and Discrimination

Race has always played an important role in American society. Often, racial differences give rise to ugly stereotypes, which in turn fuel bigotry and discrimination

Perspectives on the Family: Objectivity and Other Challenges in Research and Therapy

Perspectives on the Family: Objectivity and Other Challenges in Research and Therapy

One of the most fundamental issues for all sociological and psychological researchers and therapists is objectivity. The ethical or moral dimension of working in these fields is another important concern for those who must routinely tap into the m...

Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Parents and Children.: Gay and Lesbian Parenting

Profile of "Our Family Coalition," an organization that serves families with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members in the San Francisco Bay area.

Parents and Children.: Changes in Childcare

Parents and Children.: Changes in Childcare

In many families today, the job of childcare has been farmed out. While some see this as a source of serious family problems, others contend the impact of outside-the-home childcare has been mostly positive. Still, many experts contend that the ch...

Connections: Sociologists at Work

Connections: Sociologists at Work

Much of sociology involves analyzing the limits and constraints society imposes on individuals. But the notion that change is possible and that problems can be solved is a critical aspect of sociology as well. Frequently the questions raised and res...

Changing Families: Role of Family and Social Change, The

Changing Families: Role of Family and Social Change, The

Despite enormous changes in the forms that families may take, family as an institution somehow endures and continues to play a uniquely important role in society.

Divorcing: Impact of Divorce

Divorcing: Impact of Divorce

The impact of divorce is felt by all family members. The fallout can be emotional, financial, or both. As painful as divorce generally is for the adults involved, it is frequently the children who struggle the most. The impact on children can be ...

Singlehood...: Why People Cohabitate

Singlehood...: Why People Cohabitate

In the last fifty years, the number of cohabiting singles in the United States has mushroomed. Among whites, cohabitation is an experiment, a kind of trial marriage. For African- or Mexican-Americans, cohabitation is more often an alternative or su...

Family History: Changes in the American Family Since 1970

Family History: Changes in the American Family Since 1970

There has been an enormous shift in American family life since 1970. For example, childcare has become the most pressing problem in many American households, and gender roles have been substantially redefined. Many believe both of these facts can ...