This program offers an introduction to the process of photosynthesis, through the historical discoveries of Joseph Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, and Jean Senebier. The classic equation is developed step-by-step, with reference to the role played by eac...
With the aid of dynamic computer animation, this program explores the stages of photosynthesis at the cellular level. Two photosystems, P680 and P700, are introduced.
The light reaction is explored in depth with computer animation. The program follows the path of the electrons through the P680 and P700 photosystems, and eventually out into the stroma, where they are used in the dark reaction.
This program shows the step-by-step developments in the dark reaction, including the processes in the Calvin cycle and the production of glucose and starch.
This program looks at the carbon cycle, and illustrates the role that plants play in ensuring the survival of all animal life. Using the California redwood as a model, the program examines the intricate dual system of fluid transport.
This program explores the ability of plants to utilize atmospheric carbon dioxide. The concept of carbon 3 versus carbon 4 plants is extensively developed at the molecular level with computer animation.