The Big Bang Theory is the dominant scientific theory about the origin of the universe. According to the Big Bang, the universe was created sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from a cosmic explosion that hurled matter in all direct...
Not everyone agrees that relativity dismisses absolute time and therefore Newton's theories are accurate as far as they go. The way we measure time, however, has certainly been affected by 20th century physics, as in the so-called twins effect. Cont...
J.M.E. McTaggart considered time unreal. "Past, present, and future," he said," are incompatible determinations.... No event can be more than one." Does the present enjoy privileged status in terms of its reality, or is it a subjective illusion of h...
It is useful to keep in mind that mystics are self conscious about the possibility of self deception. Saint Teresa was convinced that experiences which genuinely produce love cannot be deceptions. As William Craig reveals in relation to his own expe...
Nineteenth century philosopher William James does not advocate ignoring evidence, but he does suggest three conditions in which you should believe even though there is not sufficient proof: when it is a forced option, there is no other choice;when i...
The highest form of mystical experience seems to be one in which there is a sense of flowing together and becoming one with God. In an extrovertive mystical experience the world around us is transfigured and transformed. But in an introvertive exper...
In his Summa Theological, Saint Thomas Aquinas offers five proofs to justify God's existence. One, the cosmological proof, results from the study of the universe. It attempts to prove that there must be either a sufficient reason, some prefer the te...
A question that haunts many people is how can evil exist in a world where an all-perfect, all-powerful Being also resides? Seven eminent scholars share a thoughtful range of responses to this question, from it is "blasphemous to suppose that we can ...