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Sound and Fury: Six Years Later

Sound and Fury: Six Years Later

In this follow up film, Heather Artinian and her two brothers have received cochlear implants. Her speech is now understandable. She attends a mainstream school. She can function in the hearing world. Her father, who initially opposed the implant, n...

Objects and memory

Objects and memory

What are the things in our homes and museums that mean the most to us? How do we preserve the past and speak to the future? What would you save if your house were on fire? Objects and Memory is a documentary film that tells the stories of people dri...

Sound and Fury: The Communication Wars of the Deaf

Sound and Fury: The Communication Wars of the Deaf

Two related families with a history of deafness go through the process of deciding whether their children should have cochlear implant surgery. The surgery would allow the children to hear, but would weaken their connection to deaf culture.