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Codes of Life: Evolutionary Psychology and Sexual Attitudes

Codes of Life: Evolutionary Psychology and Sexual Attitudes

Although men and women differ in their attitudes toward casual sex, evolutionary psychologists point out the appeal of pairing to extend one's genetic lineage. What do men and women find attractive in the opposite sex? In a survey of over 10,000...

Endless Questions: Ethics and Research

Endless Questions: Ethics and Research

The fact that people react to being studied makes human research challenging. In order to capture responses in a pure form, some level of deception or manipulation may be employed. At universities and research institutes, experiments must be appro...

Different Strokes: Gender and Racial Divide, The

Different Strokes: Gender and Racial Divide, The

Cultural traditions often prescribe gender roles and relationships between women and men, ranging from the subordination of women to relative equality. Other than the biological differences between men and women, research indicates that the psycho...