Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, observes that species and diversity loss is the most irreversible of our environmental problems and should be getting much more attention.
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, explores the issue of energy and availability of fossil fuels. According to Dr.Ehrlich, the biggest threat posed by reliance on such fuels is not running out of them but, rather, their nega...
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, cites over-consumption as one of the principle threats to the environment.
As a result of the various Civil Rights Movements of the late 1960s and 1970s, conservatives and liberals further define their ideology. Democrats continue to advocate minority rights and Republicans assert the aims of an older America for greater u...
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, discusses solar hydrogen technology as an alternative to fossil fuels and nuclear energy.
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, observes that it's difficult to predict whether the loss of biological diversity will hit us suddenly and very hard, or if the effects will be played out more gradually.
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, talks about the critical links between Earth's natural ecosystems and what he calls the "human economy." If we did not have properly functioning natural ecosystems, Dr. Ehrlich argues, we w...
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, observes that there's no way to truly "throw things away," because everything remains on this planet. According to Dr. Ehrlich, we must depend on natural systems functioning properly if we ...
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, talks about Biosphere II and efforts to use technology to substitute for natural ecosystems (which he says are the most important part of our environment).
Paul Ehrlich, best known for his work on population growth, observes that during the past century, man has gone from being just one more animal inhabiting planet Earth, to dramatically and perhaps forever altering the environmental landscape of this...