This program, hosted by renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre, describes the battle for an authentic Irish theater - a theater of the working class, with realistic language and gritty social and political content. The influences of Oscar Wilde,...
In England, each generation has reinterpreted Shakespeare's plays, finding in them both a mirror and a measuring stick of humanity. In this program, renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre traces the evolution of Shakespearean drama, from the day...
From Vortex, to The Pink Room, to Look Back in Anger, British theater in the decades surrounding World War II evolved through a series of surprises, shocks, and scandals. This program, hosted by renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre, focuses on...
The 20th century saw theater faced by increasing competition - first from movies, then TV, and most recently the Internet. In this program, renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre explains how plays have succeeded in holding their own while specu...
In this program, renowned theater director Sir Richard Eyre maps out the flowering of dramatic realism on Broadway. A study of Eugene O'Neill, an interview with Arthur Miller, and archival footage of Clifford Odets and Tennessee Williams reveal an a...