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Developing a Persuasive Proposal: Crowdfunding and Grants

Developing a Persuasive Proposal: Crowdfunding and Grants

Does your garage band want to record a studio album? Are you trying to raise money for a worthy community cause? Finding money for your cause or program can be difficult if you don’t know where to begin. This program explores two popular fundraisi...

Reaching Your Financial Goal: Crowdfunding and Grants

Reaching Your Financial Goal: Crowdfunding and Grants

For many people, the hardest and most overwhelming part of preparing a grant request or crowdfunding campaign is the budget. This program breaks down the basics of what a budget should include, as well as how to create budgets that are clear and rea...

Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies

Effective Internet Search: Basic Tools and Advanced Strategies

Formed decades ago from a small pool of data sources, the Internet has grown into a seemingly endless ocean of information—in which today’s young researcher can easily get lost. This video introduces strategic, study-related online search method...



Chat rooms, blogs, and instant messaging have become standard forms of communication for many young people. Unfortunately, they have also become popular ways to bully and harass others. This program is designed to prevent children and teenagers from...

Culture and math: the Arabs

Culture and math: the Arabs

The Arabian peninsula produced one of history's greatest empires - and many of the calculation methods used today. This program illustrates the origins and evolution of the Islamic world through the fascinating lens of mathematics. Outlining the bir...

Recognizing Online Propaganda, Bias, and Advertising

Recognizing Online Propaganda, Bias, and Advertising

While their motives aren’t always evil, people who bend the truth don’t usually do so for the greater good, either. The online world is no exception—in fact, it’s a paradise for purveyors of hype, pseudo-journalism, and intellectual snake oi...

Sexual stereotypes in the media

Sexual stereotypes in the media

Categorizing others is a part of human nature, and even as infants we divide the world into two groups - male and female - to help organize our reality. But when these stereotypes are used to make assumptions about a person's character and value, th...

Integrating ESL students into the classroom

Integrating ESL students into the classroom

By viewing Integrating ESL Students, classroom teachers of any subject will come away with concrete information and advice that they can use to teach - and reach - their English-language learners (ELLs) better. Practicality and relevance guide the p...

Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in the Digital Age

Plagiarism 2.0: Information Ethics in the Digital Age

For a generation raised on the ideology of “open source” and the ability to quickly cut and paste, the concept of plagiarism may seem foreign or passé. And that, of course, can lead to trouble. This video examines the behaviors that constitute ...

Racial stereotypes in the media

Racial stereotypes in the media

Although demeaning and offensive racial stereotypes were pervasive in popular media of every kind during the 20th century, most observers would agree that the media is much more sensitive to representations of race today. But the pernicious effects ...