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Living Together: Estuaries: Productivity and Vulnerability

Living Together: Estuaries: Productivity and Vulnerability

Estuaries and wetlands are among the most productive areas anywhere, literally teeming with life. But these environments are often threatened by nutrient discharge from agricultural or farm land, as well as the building of homes or other forms of de...

Living Together: Threats to Coral Reefs

Living Together: Threats to Coral Reefs

Symbiosis within a reef community can be threatened by a number of factors. These include severe storms, nutrient discharge from farming and agriculture, and a process known as bleaching, which may be related to global warming.

Look Out Below: Sea Level and Global Warming

Look Out Below: Sea Level and Global Warming

The precise role that global warming plays in determining sea level is a subject of considerable controversy. But many scientists believe there is a link.

Treasure Trove: Marine Sanctuaries

Treasure Trove: Marine Sanctuaries

In large part to counter problems caused by overfishing, marine sanctuaries have been established at various points along United States coastlines. The concept behind these marine protected areas is much like that of a national park or wilderness re...

Dirty Water: Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

Dirty Water: Global Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

Many scientists are convinced that there is a connection between global climate change and the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Those who believe that global warming is a real and serious problem often cite sea level rise as one reason ...

Dirty Water: Pollution in Bays and Estuaries

Dirty Water: Pollution in Bays and Estuaries

Among the areas hardest hit by marine pollution are bays and estuaries which, under normal circumstances, are extraordinarily productive. Estuaries are vulnerable to more than just oil spills and harbor development. They can also be harmed by the ch...

Dirty Water: Urban Runoff

Dirty Water: Urban Runoff

The amount of oil that reaches the ocean from urban runoff and other terrestrial sources greatly exceeds the oil that comes from tanker spills.