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Health of the Nation; Health of the Planet: Dramatic Differences in Environmental Standards Among Nations of World

Health of the Nation; Health of the Planet: Dramatic Differences in Environmental Standards Among Nations of World

There are dramatic differences between the environmental policies of the United States and other countries, particularly developing nations. Any attempt to impose U. S. standards on these countries would ignore the survival issues they are facing, a...

Balancing Act: Striking a Regulatory Balance

Balancing Act: Striking a Regulatory Balance

It is difficult to strike a balance between regulation that is harmful to business and regulation that serves the greater good. Environmental regulations are a case in point. In recent years a number of businesses have moved their manufacturing oper...

World of Uncertainty: Launching the Clinton Presidency

World of Uncertainty: Launching the Clinton Presidency

In the early years of Clinton's presidency, liberals eagerly await the resurgence of federal initiatives, but a coalition of Southern Democrat and Republican senators constitute a conservative majority that defeats most plans that run counter to the...