Why are television shows created with such a high level of violence, and how are viewers affected by it? In this program, George Gerbner, of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication, and other media experts provide insig...
Turning to issues of media policy, George Gerbner delivers a stinging indictment of the way the so called "information superhighway" is being constructed. By examining the logic of globalization he shows the ineffectual nature of our present respons...
The late George Gerbner explains how the universal story-telling function of human societies has been colonized by corporate media.
For years, debates have raged among scholars, politicians, and concerned parents about the effects of media violence on viewers. Too often these debates have fallen into simplistic battles between those who claim that media images directly cause vio...
Gerbner urges us to think about the psychological, political, social, and developmental consequences of growing up and living within a cultural environment of pervasive, ritualized violent images.