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Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 8

Furious Flower 1994 Conference Supercut Part 8

00:00 Eugene Redmond speaks; 02:45 Jacqueline Brice-Finch speaks; 09:44 Gwen Butler speaks; 14:15 Kalamu ya Salaam speaks; 31:43 Jeannette Drake speaks; 47:10 Sybil Kein speaks and sings; 1:04:50 Adam David Miller speaks; 1:19:04 Brenda Marie Osbey ...

The Dark Room Collective: A Fisted Reading Part 1, 10/1/1994

The Dark Room Collective: A Fisted Reading Part 1, 10/1/1994

00:00 Eugene Redmond introduces Quo Vadis Gex-Breaux; 00:54 Gex-Breaux reads her poems; 08:25 Redmond introduces Daryl Cumber Dance; 12:05 Dance introduces "The Dark Room Collective" (TDC); 15:30 Natasha Tretheway of TDC reads; 16:50 Major Jackson r...