Creating just-in-time tutorials can provide an innovative approach for faculty professional development. Instructional Design and Track: Technology Services in the School of Communication and Information at Rutgers University uses Panopto - a lectur...
Many campuses are not ready for streaming video because they don’t know how to manage it. It’s like making soup. To make a good soup, avoid too many cooks in the kitchen. If you try to cover it all, your soup becomes inedible. The cauldron is yo...
Format: Panel
The panel includes Linda Dempf, Mark Lewental and Kate McGivern for a discussion about the advantages and challenges of digital media management on the cloud. This discussion is facilitated by Kurt Wagner as the Panel Moderator. Best ...
Group projects seem to have a bad rap among students and instructors alike for any number of reasons. At TCNJ, we use Instructure Canvas as our learning management system. While the Groups tool within Canvas can’t address all of the issues with gr...
In 2007, Princeton University’s Office of Information Technology first implemented its SharePoint service. Since then, the platform has been adopted by numerous departments and individuals for a variety of purposes. This panel will present three d...
TCNJ has utilized a homegrown learning management system (LMS) for over a decade. The system was regularly updated to remain competitive, but the most recent explosion of technology, especially mobile technology, put it at a distinct disadvantage ve...