One of the most fundamental issues for all sociological and psychological researchers and therapists is objectivity. The ethical or moral dimension of working in these fields is another important concern for those who must routinely tap into the m...
Not only are most Americans more tolerant of religious diversity than ever before but, in a growing number of cases, their concept of spirituality now transcends specific religious affiliation.
The question of whether or not objectivity is possible or even desirable in sociological research is often the subject of fierce debate.
The notion of what exactly constitutes deviance is blurred at best, because any definition of such behavior is generally laced with moral and religious overtones. By their very nature, these are rarely black and white, and often change over time.
The deviant acts that generally have the greatest impact and tend to get the most attention are those that involve some form of violence. While most people agree that violent behavior is unacceptable, there is much less agreement about the underlyin...