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Showing results - 1 to 3 of 3
Families Today and Tomorrow: Stepfamilies

Families Today and Tomorrow: Stepfamilies

Given the number of divorces and remarriages that take place in the United States each year, stepfamilies have increasingly become a common family form in 21st century America. But as with families in general, there is no single, iron-clad definitio...

Remarriage and Stepfamilies: Remarriage Compared to First Marriage

Remarriage and Stepfamilies: Remarriage Compared to First Marriage

Similarities and differences between first marriages and remarriages are explored. While there are many aspects of remarriage that are similar to first-time marriage, there are often additional factors involved, especially when one or both partner...

Remarriage and Stepfamilies: Challenges for Stepchildren

Remarriage and Stepfamilies: Challenges for Stepchildren

The process of becoming part of a stepfamily can be very challenging for children, especially if their parents have divorced. In some cases, children feel resentment towards a new stepparent suddenly taking on the role of authority figure. They m...