The final hour and day of World War I—11 o’clock on November 11, 1918—were decided upon well in advance. Why, then, were more than 13,000 soldiers killed that last morning of the war? Based on Joseph E. Persico’s book 11th Month, 11th Day, 1...
The Arabian Nights or A Thousand and One Nights has influenced world literature and enthralled readers for centuries. Its legend tells us that the beautiful Scheherazade prevented her own murder at the hands of a sultan by telling him a never-ending...
Using extensive state-of-the-art CGI animation this documentary chronicles the spectacular as well as sordid history of the Roman Empire from the rise of Julius Caesar in 55 BC to its fall around 537 AD. The CGI animation gives the viewers an opport...
When Howard Carter entered the long-sought tomb of Tutankhamun, it did not take him long to confirm that it was indeed the final resting place of the legendary Boy King. But his knowledge of hieroglyphics had only been made possible by the enigmatic...