A huge success in its day, this historical play centers around the character of Richard of Gloucester, a self-proclaimed villain who usurps the crown. Through family machinations, political marriages and military coups, this play portrays the tumult...
A drama of the civil war between The House of York and The House of Lancaster. Henry marries Lady Margaret of Anjou, but she despises him for his meekness and takes Suffolk as a lover. She also hates the Yorks (White Roses) and becomes the inspirati...
The conclusion to the era's favorite historical plays. York wins the War of Roses and forces Henry to give him succession to the crown. The merciless Margaret captures York and taunts him before having him killed, only to be captured herself and com...
The first of a trilogy, recreating Henry's early days as King. In the war with France, England is being driven off French soil. True to the popular view at the time, the French heroine Joan of Arc is characterized as a "minister of hell" and a wanto...
This romance revolves around a theme that occupied Shakespeare later in life: reconciliation. Wrongs committed by one generation - here a wife unjustly accused of adultery - are made right by the next generation. Starring Jeremy Kemp, Anna Calder-Ma...
Set in late Roman times, this tragedy deals with the revenge of Titus Andronicus for the atrocities committed against his family by Tamora, the captive queen of the Goths, and her faction. It draws on mythology for brutal tales, such as a banquet w...