This title contains audio recording of Supreme Court oral arguments. One of the most divisive separation of church and state issues deals with governmental religious speech. This issue came before the United States Supreme Court in a pair of decisio...
Even though the text of the First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," it has long been established that there are certain categories of expression that do not receive First Amendment protection. One ...
The First Amendment does not protect all forms of speech. Obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, true threats, slander, libel, perjury, and blackmail are just a few of the commonly recognized exceptions to the First Amendment. One of the most...
One of the most divisive separation of church and state issues deals with governmental religious speech. This issue came before the United States Supreme Court in a pair of decisions. In the cases of Van Orden v Perry and the McCreary County v ACLU ...
It is the establishment clause that is perhaps the most controversial part of the First Amendment. In the case of Zelman v Simmons-Harris, the United States Supreme Court had to address whether an Ohio pilot project that was designed to increase edu...
This title contains audio recording of Supreme Court oral arguments.
Even though the text of the First Amendment provides that "Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," it has long been established that there are certain categori...
This title contains audio recording of Supreme Court oral arguments. One of the most divisive separation of church and state issues deals with governmental religious speech. This issue came before the United States Supreme Court in a pair of decisio...
This title contains audio recording of Supreme Court oral arguments. While a government may not restrict free speech, it has a freer hand to regulate the speech of public employees than they do an everyday citizen. Garcetti v Ceballos questions how ...
This title contains audio recording of Supreme Court oral arguments. It is the establishment clause that is perhaps the most controversial part of the First Amendment. In the case of Zelman v Simmons-Harris, the United States Supreme Court had to ad...
Boy Scouts of America v Dale presents an interesting clash between the First Amendment right - the freedom of association - and the State's compelling interest in eradicating discrimination based on sexual orientation. And it is that clash between f...