Many countries have established dietary guidelines to help people determine how much of any one nutrient is enough. Because people are different, their nutritional needs are also different; there is no one size fits all. That is why in 2005, the Uni...
Our bodies need the nutrients found in foods to function--to power muscular movements and cell activities, repair tissues, and maintain body temperature. To carry out these metabolic activities, cells need the energy stored in three nutrients: carbo...
The labels on processed foods often list the calories and nutrients contained in each single serving of the product. Grams of fat, what types of fat, fiber content, sodium, all are factors that are important for people to note. With all this informa...
Why have so many people lost the battle to achieve and maintain a healthy weight? Some people blame metabolism for excess weight; others think it is a matter of willpower. Both factors are affected by a person's genes, perhaps a leftover survival me...
In recent hears the health risks of obesity and the cultural obsession with slimness have spawned a multi billion dollar industry. Weight loss pills, fad diets, and dietary supplements promise miraculous results. Many of these miracle products are e...
People can live for weeks without eating anything; without water, they would die in days. The human body is made up of 50-70% water which makes bodily processes such as digestion and regulation of body temperature possible. The body also needs vitam...
It would seem that the abundance of food and the wide variety of choices we have in the United States would almost guarantee proper and adequate nutrition for everyone. However, many people who consume enough calories each day are malnourished. What...
Disease prevention through nutrition is a relatively new area of research that explores the link between certain foods and the nutrients in them, and their ability to prevent or minimize a long list of medical conditions including heart disease, hig...
An estimated 25% of American children are at risk for obesity, many with elevated levels of cholesterol and blood pressure. Numerous children exhibit a high percentage of plaque and hardening of the arteries before the age of 10, and are showing up ...